

格温内斯仁慈大学 welcomes international students who want to earn a degree from an American university. 我们的145英亩, 私立校园提供了一个完美的家外之家, 在哪里可以认识新朋友, 让自己沉浸在美国文化中, and develop the knowledge and skills you need to make a difference in your career and your community.

当国际学生从德国商业大学毕业时, they are prepared for career success and ready to lead productive lives of deep meaning and value – no matter where in the world they call home.



At GMercyU, welcoming international students to campus is important to us! 这就是为什么我们简化了录取程序.

To enroll as an undergraduate international student at 格温内斯仁慈大学, you need to:

1. 完成 网上本科招生申请.

2. 2025年秋季申请者, standardized 测试 scores are 不 required for admission or considered as part of the admissions process.

如果您选择不提交SAT或ACT成绩, you will need to submit additional items to complete your application file if you are applying for admission to any of the programs listed below:

  • 教育(这个项目需要美国大学的学位.S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查 and sit for the teacher licensure exam.)*
  • 护理学(本课程需要美国的专业证书.S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查 and sit for the licensure exam.)*
  • 放射治疗(该项目需要美国政府批准).S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查.)*
  • 呼吸护理(这个项目需要美国的医疗保险.S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查.)*

If you are applying to one of the programs listed above, you will need to:

  1. Submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher in a subject related to their desired major (e.g., a biology teacher if the student is seeking admission to GMercyU’s Biology program)
  2. Schedule an in-person or virtual interview with a member of the GMercyU 招生 team

Letters of Recommendation are 不 required for other programs, but are recommended. 如果提交, the letter of recommendation should discuss the applicant’s character and promise as a university student.

其他申请人 可以 also be asked to submit an essay or personal statement and/or be asked to participate in an interview during the application review process.

3. 对你的成绩单进行评估.

We require a course-by-course evaluation from one of the above credentialing services for all schools outside the U.S:
4. 特定的部门可能有额外的要求.

5. 在网络测试中至少得79分 托福考试 测试或6分.0 雅思考试 测试.
  • 托福考试 and 雅思考试 scores lower than the minimum will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • 以英语为母语的留学生 要求提交分数.
  • 国际学生 免除 如果他们在SAT或ACT中获得足够高的分数,则不提交托福成绩.
    • SAT:基于证据的阅读和写作最低500分
    • ACT:综合成绩达到22分或更高

请提交您的外国成绩单评估报告, 推荐信(可选), 及其他必要文件,以便:

P.O. 901箱


  • Show satisfactory completion of (or current enrollment in) at least 16 units in prescribed and elective subjects as indicated on your high school transcript:
  • 英语:4个单元
    • 数学:3个单元
    • 科学:3个单元
    • 历史:1个单位
    • 大学预备选修课:3个单元
  • 一年级学生的累积GPA必须至少为2分.5.
  • Some programs, such as the Nursing program, have higher GPA and coursework requirements. Contact the 招生 Office or refer to the undergraduate catalog for additional detail.

申请教育的国际学生, nursing and health profession programs must have the ability to obtain the background screening required for placement in a clinical/school setting and should review state licensure requirements before choosing to enroll. 美国.S. 背景审查过程需要一个美国政府.S. 社会安全号码.

U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is a requirement for licensure within certain academic programs. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements for their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. 更多信息可在 全国州立法机构会议网站.

If you have completed high school (secondary school) and have been enrolled in a college or university in the US or overseas and earned 24个或以上可转换学时你应该申请转学生.


在美国以外接受过护理教育的申请人.S. 必须有评估的成绩单 CGFNS. 除了, 申请教育的国际学生, nursing and health profession programs must have the ability to obtain the background screening required for placement in a clinical/school setting and should review state licensure requirements before choosing to enroll. 美国.S. 背景审查过程需要一个美国政府.S. 社会安全号码.

U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is a requirement for licensure within certain academic programs. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements for their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. 更多信息可在 全国州立法机构会议网站.

请致电招生办公室800-342-5462 if you have questions about how to apply to GMercyU as a transfer student or to learn which of your credits will transfer.


让你们的美国教育更能负担得起, international students 可以 be eligible to receive a 格温内斯仁慈大学 undergraduate scholarship.


For international students who have 不 previously enrolled in any postsecondary colleges or universities, you 可以 be eligible for a first-year student scholarship as outlined on the 奖学金的页面.

Scholarships for International 转学 (24+ transferable credit hours)

For international students transferring from a不her college or university, 你也可能有资格获得我们的转学奖学金. 更多信息请访问GMercyU 奖学金的页面.


GMercyU’s International 学生 Liaison supports and advises international students and scholars on visa-related issues, 工作授权等. 我们致力于及时准确地帮助学生.

如果你有任何问题,请随时给杰西·鲁尔发邮件 鲁尔.j@feshine.net 或致电215-646-7300,分机:21584.

如何维护你的U.S. 学生签证

If you’re a current GMercyU international student, it’s vital you maintain your U.S. 学生签证,以避免美国的问题.S. 公民身份 & 移民服务. 以下是GMercyU在美国的国际学生应该做的一些事情.S. 应该做的是:

  1. Read and respond to all emails from GMercyU’s Office of International Programs
  2. Enroll in a full course load each semester (12 credits for undergrads and nine credits for graduate students)
  3. Tell the Office of International Programs about significant changes in your life (changes of address or major, 计划休假, 类取款, 等.)
  4. 在美国境外旅行前,先取得旅行签章.S.
  5. 遵守宽限期. 你可以进入美国.S. 30 days before your program starts and must leave the country within 60 days of the end of your program.


让你们的美国教育更能负担得起, international students 可以 be eligible to receive a 格温内斯仁慈大学 undergraduate scholarship.  

For international students who have 不 previously enrolled in any postsecondary colleges or universities, you 可以 be eligible for a first-year student scholarship as outlined on the 奖学金的页面.

Scholarships for International 转学 (24+ transferable credit hours)
For international students transferring from a不her college or university, 你也可能有资格获得我们的转学奖学金. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 GMercyU奖学金页面.


GMercyU’s International 学生 Liaison supports and advises international students and scholars on visa-related issues, 工作授权等. 我们致力于及时准确地帮助学生.

如果你有任何问题,请随时给杰西·鲁尔发邮件 鲁尔.j@feshine.net 或致电215-646-7300,分机:21584.

如何维护你的U.S. 学生签证

If you’re a current GMercyU international student, it’s vital you maintain your U.S. 学生签证,以避免美国的问题.S. 公民身份 & 移民服务. 以下是GMercyU在美国的国际学生应该做的一些事情.S. 应该做的是:

  1. Read and respond to all emails from GMercyU’s Office of International Programs
  2. Enroll in a full course load each semester (12 credits for undergrads and nine credits for graduate students)
  3. Tell the Office of International Programs about significant changes in your life (changes of address or major, 计划休假, 类取款, 等.)
  4. 仅在获得授权的情况下工作
  5. 在美国境外旅行前,先取得旅行签章.S.
  6. 遵守宽限期. 你可以进入美国.S. 30 days before your program starts and must leave the country within 60 days of the end of your program.